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KVFD holds annual elections at their annual meeting in January of each year. These officers make up the executive committee, which advises the general membership on various issues that effect the operations and administration of the department. Below is a list of the current elected officers and email contact. Please keep in mind our firehouse is not manned 24/7, and the best way to contact an officer is via email.
elected officers
FIRE Chief- Alan Gawel
president- Caralee Rochovansky
assistant Chief- Gary Hock
assistant Chief- Wendell Soule
ambulance Chief- Mary Ann Van Valkenburg
assistant ambulance Chief- Jean Speck
captain- John Russell
captain- Tim Sneller
lieutenant- Peter Bernard
lieutenant-Lou Dingee
engineer- John Christen
Secretary- Bonnie Donzella
TREASURER - Eric Epstein
Pursuant to KVFD by-laws, the Executive Committee appoints a number of officers. Please keep in mind our firehouse is not manned 24/7, and the best way to contact an officer is via email.
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